I Did My Best
So.Everybody has been asking to see pictures of my house.And by “everybody” I mean two people on Facebook, someone that works at my daughters school and like, another person I saw somewhere once.Maybe a neighbor?Anyway, the number of requests is not important. I know walking through a new home is exciting, but I’ve been sensitive about showing it off because I didn’t want you to be jealous of the Pinterest-worthy way we’ve been keeping it. But then I thought, oh what the hell, lets give the people what they want. Here. Welcome. Come on in.
At first glance, maybe you’d be smitten with our bookcase located off the entry. I was too, until I realized we only have room for like, 20 more books before we are cut off forever.
Next you’d turn the corner into our kitchen and notice the beautiful blue kitchen cabinets. You’d cock your head to the left and wonder what the lovely tag pull things are. Well, they are to open the drawers. This is because our hardware isn’t all here yet. We got half of it this last week but the rest we are still waiting for. Nothing but the best for us.
Welcome to my bedroom! Sure, I could show you the view and the bed but your eye would end up falling exactly right here. See, I started clearing out my closet when we moved in almost five weeks ago now, and got really serious about it. For the past five years I’ve been holding onto hoards of clothes I don’t even like and would say to myself “when I get into our “final” house, I will get rid of it all.” This resulted in copious piles all over my room that were well intentioned, but in the end, just served to confuse and burn me out. It was so hard. I would look around an be all “I don’t know what these piles even MEAN!” But I did my best and worked through them slowly until I had one pile left. The giveaway pile. After everyone came and took the clothes that fit them, it left me with one small pile that I had no idea what to do with so I shoved it in the corner with random things and ignored it and it’s still sitting here one month later.
Here is our fancy master shower. You’ll notice we have no shower glass yet and that those are bottles of caulk NOT shampoo on the ledge. Plus a bucket and a gallon bottle of acetone for good measure. I guess tile or glass door people use acetone? Truth be told, I’ve never noticed what was in there until I took this picture to show you but now feel some responsibility to explain why it may be in there. But I have no answers. I am sorry.We bathe in the bath tub currently, which Jeremy looks especially emasculated by when he’s in there.
Doesn’t everybody have a ladder and tool bags in the dining room? Everyday, eclectic and understated luxury is kind of my thing.
We haven’t even touched the office.Pray for us.Here is something that is on point though. My kids’ room.
We told Jeremiah and Ellie that they needed to make their beds when they got up in the morning, and ever since then, they’ve made them.One time, we asked.Every day I pass by and see their made beds without nagging or reminding I’m like:
I’m not used to such compliance from children.And that completes the tour for today! Again, please try to suppress any feelings of envy that may come up just because we live like kings. You too can live like kings. I think they just give away those cabinet pull-y stickers for FREE, even. Lots of piles. Ladders. Tell people it’s avant-garde. You get the idea. Maybe even pack one downstair room of your house with boxes and packing trash and just yeah, fill that baby up real good. Not that I know anything about THAT.I know something about that.One day we will be living in a fully functional, beautiful house and I can’t wait for that day. Construction will end but there will always be piles of clothes and paper to remind us of our humble roots. Of this much, we can be certain.